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Apartment Reviews for Cedar Springs Apartments in Coachella

4.3 | 18 Reviews

53551 Cesar Chavez Street, Coachella, CA, 92236
(760) 398-9968

Check out some of the positive reviews of our apartments located in Coachella! At Cedar Springs Luxury Living, we value all our residents voices, and can’t wait for you to see our apartments for yourself. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to let us know! We appreciate the feedback, good or bad.

Check out some of the positive reviews of Cedar Springs

Palmdesertboy 760

Nice Beautiful Apartments quiet most of the time friendly Neighbors. On the outskirts of the coachella valley is alittle on the down side but plenty of store and shops just down the street. The apartments are nice in appearance on the inside nice layout. But overall i enjoying spending my leaisurely time out at these apartments....

Roy Lerma Lerma

This place is cool there's even a asome bike track in front of the place

The reviews displayed on this page represent a selection of positive feedback from our customers. Not all reviews are shown, as we prioritize showcasing the most favorable experiences to highlight the quality and satisfaction of our products/services. The views expressed in these reviews are those of the individual customers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of everyone who has used our products/services. We strive to provide an honest representation of customer satisfaction, but we cannot guarantee that every customer will have the same experience.